Working from home is like being a dog running to fetch a stick and spotting a critter out of the corner of your eye. Squirrel! Laundry, chores, and pets, oh my! I had to laugh the other day and send you this video. Can you relate?
When you physically leave your home and go to work, all your personal tasks are left behind and you focus on your job. Now, that your job is intermingling with your home life, you need to create a structured environment for yourself and your family (who believes that because you are home that you have no other responsibilities other than to tend to their needs), so that you can feel accomplished at the end of the day.
Here are five ways to help yourself remain on task and find balance between getting your work done and focusing on your grocery list!
1) Keep as many pre-COVID routines as possible – yes, this means setting your alarm, just like you normally would. Showering, getting dressed, yes, dressed. No pjs all day….even if you don’t have any video conferencing. Our brain likes routine and automatic processes, so don’t waste valuable mental energy on re-creating your day, every day.
2) Create your schedule, with a start time and stop time, and do your very best to stick to it. As a kid, we can’t wait to become an adult so no one can tell us what to do. Ha! As we know, that is not true. Often employers worry about employees working from home because they are concerned they won’t be as productive if the manager isn’t keeping a watchful eye. This is where the beauty of adulting comes in…. Manage your own time, you’re an adult…. You don’t need someone babysitting you. And often, we can be MORE productive.
3) Set boundaries with your family. With easy access to mom, dad or sweetheart, everyone thinks what they need to ask you is so important it can’t wait. Explain to your family that you are working, when the door is closed to your workspace, that means do not disturb. Come out at lunch or break time and check in. Let them see that there are times that you will be available. This teaches discipline all around.
4) Do your chores how you normally did pre-covid – before and after work. I know it’s super tempting to quickly clean this or wash that. And sometimes that is called for, however, if you’re “quickly” doing this or that all day long, you likely won’t get much work done. Plus the stopping and starting of projects can be mentally draining as well.
5) Get outside. Get fresh air. Back away from the computer…the office, the phone. We need a break and the pull of work can keep us attached and inside too long and not to the proper items and people.
Putting these steps into motion will help you function with more clarity, and help you to keep your boundaries and your sanity! In it you will find your balance and set your new normal.