Rates & Insurance
Counseling Services:
It is my desire to provide excellent counseling services and treatment to my Clients; I have realized that contracting with some private/commercial insurance companies can interfere with my ability to work in the client-centered manner I believe is essential to provide quality psychological services. Using insurance requires that you have a mental health diagnosis, this is true with any counselor and every insurance company. If your focus is on healing, understanding history and breaking destructive patterns and behaviors this would fall under counseling services. Counseling services involve assessment, diagnosis and treatment. I have chosen to be In-Network with Pacific Source Health Plan and Community Solutions and MODA. All other insurance companies are billed as Out-of-Network.
Individual Counseling:
55 minute and 80 minute sessions available. Half day intensive: 4 hours also available. This is an opportunity to dig deep in one extended session, jump start your healing, growth and goal setting journey.
Use “Get Started” button to complete the inquiry form and receive information on current rates.
Couples Counseling:
Couples Counseling is not billable to insurance which requires an identified patient and diagnosis.
Initial Assessment and Planning and Therapy includes:
– 75 minute Intake Session
– 55 minute Individual Sessions x 2
– 75 minute collaboration and goal setting session
– 55 minute or 80 minute follow up/teaching/working sessions available
Half day intensive: 4 hours also available. This is an opportunity to dig deep in one extended session, jump start your healing, growth and goal setting journey.
Use “Get Started” button to complete the inquiry form and receive information on current rates.
Please see couples page for an explanation of the couples counseling process.
Business & Coaching Services:
Life Coaching & Strategy Package:
Four – 55 minute phone or Skype sessions in a 6 week period
Coaching is all forward focus, planning, implementing and does not include assessment, diagnosis or treatment of a mental health disorder, therefore it is not billable to insurance.
Contact me for rates for business needs and executive coaching.