I am a very task oriented planner. I make lists for the day, the week, the month, the year, the future. I am constantly moving forward and working toward the prize. While that is important to me, I also recognize the need and value of rest. Today was one of those days that I needed some self care.
So I closed the computer, stood up from my desk, bagged the lists, packed a few things, and headed for the coast. I love the ocean and how it drowns out all the noise of the day. I feel I can hear my own thoughts there and can hear God more clearly. A simple day at the beach has left me energized and focused on those things I am wanting to accomplish.
This leads me to ask you, is there something that you have been putting off that you feel you really need to do for yourself? It can be small, or it can be big, but chances are there is something you keep pushing aside. Maybe you have been waiting for the perfect situation. I have been waiting to hit the Oregon coast on a day that was in the 70’s or 80’s, but finally realized that I was going to have to live with the 60’s and just go do what I had been desiring to do! I’m glad I did!
If you haven’t read my last blog “The Power Of Now” I hope you will today. Take some time and answer the questions and really challenge yourself with the things you can be doing NOW, today, not tomorrow, that help you reach your goals. And yes, that includes self care, your personal health, rest and time away from the tasks. Use your quiet time to be refreshed and focused so that you can come back to your list and start crossing things off as you inch closer and closer to the big picture for you.
Content on this website, blog and/or Facebook page is not intended to be a substitute for therapy, nor is Lori Mazenko acting as your therapist. This content is intended to be encouragement for your day and if you are in need of a therapist, please seek one out. You will be glad you did!!