by Lori Mazenko | Sep 12, 2022 | Life Strategies |
When I got divorced, I knew to emotionally survive the devastation of the ending of my 32-year relationship, I would have to be intentional about recreating my life. One of the crazier things I tried was backpacking. My children were shocked because I had given up...
by Lori Mazenko | Sep 5, 2022 | Life Strategies |
We all want things. “I want to lose 10 pounds.” “I want to find my perfect mate.” “I want to be happier.” I hear phrases like these all the time inside and outside my office. I, too, have many things I say I want. This has me thinking: If you want something, why...
by Lori Mazenko | May 9, 2022 | Life Strategies |
A client said to me recently, “I don’t want to make the wrong decision. What if I have regrets?” Decision-making is challenging for many people. What’s going to happen? What do I do now? If I choose this option, will I get the outcome I desire? There’s so many...
by Lori Mazenko | Mar 18, 2022 | Life Strategies, Mental Health Resources |
It’s been two years since the start of the pandemic. If you live in Oregon or another state with a mask mandate, grabbing your face mask on the way out the door has become as natural as grabbing your wallet and keys. But just in time for spring, mask mandates are...
by Lori Mazenko | Nov 22, 2021 | Life Strategies, Uncategorized |
As the child of divorce, holidays were usually a flurry of activity from the moment I woke up. After age 9, I never experienced the leisurely Thanksgiving meal, post-dinner games, or staying in PJs all day on Christmas and playing with my new toys. Because every...
by Lori Mazenko | Nov 22, 2021 | Life Strategies |
‘Tis the season… for moping around the house like the Grinch. The holidays can be an emotionally conflicting time of year for someone who is going through a breakup. We’re bombarded by Hallmark movies with cheery families and happy endings, all the while feeling like...